
Day 4 of my Keto diet, and never mind the Taquitos I ate last night. It’s a minor setback. Today, I woke up and had my Keto breakfast, and I’m gearing up to have my deto lunch. I didn’t lose any weight, but I also didn’t gain. So it’s still positive.

I’ve also hit a snag with the comic. I’ve gotten stuck on one little panel that I just can’t seem to get right. I spent a day and a half on it before throwing my hands up and walking away. I felt defeated and ready to walk away from the whole project. I don’t have time to spend on one little square. But instead of dumping the whole project, I took my own advice from an earlier post and decided to take a break. I’ll give it some time, probably just a few more hours, then I’ll go back to it. If bI can’t finish that panel on that page, I’ll move on to another one and come back to it.

During my break from the comic, which started yesterday, I decided to work on my design for a new quilt frame. It’s an inspired piece of work that could revolutionize how hobbyists can bridge the gap to doing more serious, even professional work. It’s been slow going because there’s nothing like it. I’m inventing it as I go, and I’m having to buy the materials along the way. The biggest setback, though, is that the design revolves around my ability to FMQ (free motion quilt). And I can’t do that right now. My cheap little domestic machine will sew straight lines all day long, but it simply won’t FMQ anymore. It’s a goner. I can’t FMQ until I get another machine, and that means that I can’t work on my quilt frame, either. I understand that it’s a temporary setback, but it’s pretty devastating. I want to get it done.

Life is full of setbacks. But it’s also full of opportunities. I’m not going to say that when one door closes, another one opens. Life doesn’t work that way. Sometimes that other door has to be kicked open, or it has to be built from the ground up, first. But it’s there, somewhere, whatever it takes to find it.

Whether I can whip out the comic as fast as I want to, or I get back on track with my quilt frames, or if neither of those can happen right now, I WILL find a way to be productive. I’ll paint my wood blocks or I’ll work on my book about the cure for cancer. That’s been too long coming anyway. Maybe it’s time it got finished.

That’s my advice for today. Don’t just take a break when you need to, but keep finding a way to be productive, whether it’s a different creative project or getting a leg up on housework, find a way to stay positive. Find a way to stay productive, no matter how large or small. A victory is still a victory.

Hang in there, kids.

Peace, Love and Fluffy Kittens.
Image result for busy cat

8 thoughts on “Setbacks

  1. Hi! I just discovered your wonderful blog.
    I was reading the part about Lorelei and the Church of Notre Dame burning and I noticed you mentioned 3 churches HERE in Louisiana.
    Are you from Louisiana? I have lived there since I was a baby!

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