Life is Too Short

Lately, I’ve been plagued by a late-night troll who thinks she’s so clever that I don’t know who she is, who’s been trying to poke me with the Tabetha Jones/Simpson stick, saying how beautiful and talented Tabetha is, trying to bait me into arguing with her. I guess she thinks that I’ve got nothing better to do. She is mistaken.

Life is too short to suffer trolls and fools. I’ve unapproved all her comments, and no future comments from that idiot will appear on my blog. I took the trash out once. I’m not going to spend my days and nights continuing to do so.

First, I’m busy trying to improve my life. I don’t have time for somebody that just can’t let go of the fight. And second, unlike her, I don’t sit up all night poring over my blog. She might not have any life so she can sit up all night poking me with a stick, but I do have a life. And there’s no room for her in it.

I just hope she had fun. I hope it was worth it, because I’m done on every level.

5 thoughts on “Life is Too Short

  1. Apparently, she’s either kind of stupid, or she thinks I am. She’s still leaving comments in the middle of the night that she thinks will bait me into engaging with her. It’s not going to happen. Too bad she can’t pick up on even the simplest clue and find something better to do with her nights.

    • Too bad she can’t find a boyfriend to spend her nights with or a girlfriend if any woman would have her. Oh well I guess there’s always power tools.

  2. Pingback: Georgia Raye | Lepplady

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