Please Don’t Feed the Troll

If you don’t feed the troll, it’ll go away. So, thank you for the backup, my friends, but stop replying to her. It only gives her the attention she’s after. Thanks, kids.

54 thoughts on “Please Don’t Feed the Troll

  1. You are the troll and liar. But when the sheriff knocks on your door not only will he see the cat but he will also be taking him from you. So last chance to prove he is dead.

  2. By continuing to post replies after you’ve been told not to, you’re flirting with harassment in the second degree, stalking, cyberstalking and menacing. She would be well within her rights to report you and I hope she does.

    • No. I won’t be pressing charges unless she keeps it up. For one thing, I promised that I wouldn’t go after her. But also, if O do that, I’ll be giving her even more attention, and I don’t want to do that. If she keeps up with her taunts and threats, I may reconsider.

        • All I asked for was proof he had been put down. Instead I got a very blurry picture of some test results that did not look to have so much as a name on them. An email stating he had been out down was all I really needed. Why is that such a huge problem? She wants me out of her life this is the last thing I need to make that happen. Sorry none if you understand this.

          • You are a horrible mean person I asked you for one thing and because you want to punish me you won’t provide it. You want to press charges go ahead. I promised I would drop my end now when will you do your part.

          • I’m sorry you fail to understand that she owes you nothing. She went above and beyond to show you the paper she did. I wouldn’t have. When she did that, she fulfilled her promise to you and any obligation she might have had ended. All that remains is for you to leave, which you’ve been asked several times to do. So just go.

          • Don’t waste your breath. She thinks that the world revolves around what she wants. She’ll never get that it doesn’t.

            I don’t owe her a thing, no matter how much she likes to think she can force me to. She thinks that if she said that my daughter squealed, I’ll panic and admit something that isn’t true. Won’t work. I know that my daughter has nothing to say to that psycho or her son. Even if it were true, they’d be the last people she’d talk to. Well, not even the last. She wouldn’t talk to them at all. So, I’m not fooled, and regardless, the truth remains the truth.

            She’s just all butt-hurt because she can’t force me to talk to her. Next time that restricted number calls my phone, I am going to pick it up and see who it is. Mine is a one-party straight, and I think it might be fun to prove that she’s still stalking me on my phone by blocking her number, if that’s who it is.

          • Honey, things have changed while you were on holiday. We don’t feed the troll anymore. I’ve written that fruitcake off, days ago. I haven’t been posting about her for weeks, so the only attention she can get is jumping on posts that have nothing to do with her and poke at us with sticks until she gets a response. She’s like a little child who will do anything to get attention, including throwing tantrums. I’m not giving it to her anymore, and I wish you guys didn’t either. All it does is keep her name in my face when she tries to stir us up for the attention. Let’s not give her anymore. I already have more evidence than I need, so the time spent blogging about her did its job. Now lets get that crazy cow out of here. Please don’t reply to her anymore. Thanks, hon.

    • Public forum as per Jeanne I can post what I want when I want. Next will be the documents that prove I was not losing about who she really is so shove your threats where the sun should never shine.

      • It’s a public forum run by a private person that has asked you not to post here anymore. By continuing to do so you’re stalking and harassing her. You won’t post any documents. I doubt that you have them, and I doubt that you can figure out how to do it.

        • She showed nothing. I have the same results for my cat the same results that can be found on the internet it was so blurry it could not be seen and it did not even have the cats name on it, you keep threatening me and I will take you to court. She does owe me the courtesy of proof that she out him down but that is ok because there are other ways to get what I need. She made it public to everyone when she put my families names all over it so try again.

        • Oh, I’m sure she’s photoshopped something. She’s such a contradiction. First she says the papers I posted is too blurry to read. Then she says that it didn’t have any names at the top, proving that she could read it after all. And then saying that the same results could be found online, accusing me of lying, and proving yet again that they weren’t too blurry to read.

          I left the top of the paper off on purpose, because I didn’t want her pestering the vet that had the sad duty of putting my fur baby down. She’s already proven that she would do exactly that, and I don’t want to drag some poor vet through having to deal with that nut job.

          That photo was taken with my phone, and it shows levels too high for an animal to survive. He couldn’t even stand up, had tremors so bad that he had no motor control at all, and he was in pain. She might be willing to let an animal suffer, but I’m not that selfish. I loved him enough to let him go.. I’ll see him again in heaven when I get there. Wouldn’t be heaven without pets, after all.

    • She has already been charged with all those and she did not ask me to not post she just told all you wonderful people who keep threatening me to not post. You have been asked to leave me alone. The lawyer is already drawing up papers to make her prove she killed a pet that could have been saved. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!

      • Leave you alone? How about you leave Jeanne alone? You’re the one coming on her blog and running off at the mouth, making a proper idiot of yourself talking about charging her with crimes hse never committed. Maybe if you buzz off and stop being such a clown, people will stop laughing at you.

  3. Never mind I know it was not Brutus, your daughter tells everything and so does your vet. Have a happy life. So done with you.

  4. I posted this on the front page, and I repeat:

    “So. If you know that you’re someone who’s given me grief, feel free to see your way out.”

    So please, see your way out. Stop posting here. Stop stalking and harassing me on a forum where you are not welcome. All posts are being capped in case I need them for court.

    If that’s too subtle, try this: FUCK OFF!

    • It was to blurry but it is amazing what can be achieved with a visit to a photo processor, wrong he could have been treated as per a vet here and a feline specialist in Louisiana. I did not have to Photoshop anything it is all public if you look for it and it will be published. But I will drop my case but if you stir up anymore with me I can reinstate it. Your daughter shares way to much and while you are far from a lady I am and won’t lower myself to tell you what I really think of you. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Please, people. She’s been notified to fuck off, so please stop replying to her. It only encourages her to pontificate, and takes it as an invitation to keep abusing me. I’m collecting evidence, here. Every threat she makes, every comment she keeps posting, it’s being screen capped for court. Leave it at that.

    • It was to blurry but it is amazing what can be achieved with a visit to a photo processor, wrong he could have been treated as per a vet here and a feline specialist in Louisiana. I did not have to Photoshop anything it is all public if you look for it and it will be published. But I will drop my case but if you stir up anymore with me I can reinstate it. Your daughter shares way to much and while you are far from a lady I am and won’t lower myself to tell you what I really think of you. Have a wonderful day.

  6. There are a dozen hostile messages all posted after I said that I’m not doing this anymore. These, including all the lunatic comments on the Sad Farewell page, are all carefully capped and saved in the order of appearance. I’ve called for it all to stop, and it had better. I’m not kidding when I say that I’m done.

          • More threats and then you claim it’s over. You take the cake for being a twat and a stalker on top of being a liar. Keep your word for once and go away if your so done with it all.

          • She does that. She likes to taunt me just to get a rise. She did that with Brutus’s chip, promising to change it when she had no intention of it. She did the same thing with her court case, saying she’ll drop it days ago, but I still haven’t heard from the court. She likes to pull puppet strings lie that. Well, I took a scissors and snipped mine. I’m not letting her play me anymore. Don’t let her play you, either.

          • You’re not going to get an answer to that. Nobody’s threatening her. She’s just saying it to try to make herself the victim of the same things she’s pulling on me. The pot calling the kettle black.

    • You know this isn’t the last time you’re going to see her. When she can’t get your attention online anymore, she’ll take it into real life, or what passes for real in her delusional little world. She still hasn’t dropped that ridiculous restraining order law suit, has she? And she’s spoken about having you charged with more imaginary crimes. She’ll never leave you alone. You know that, right? You may be finished but she’s not. I’ve seen this kind of thing before. She’ll only escalate her actions to get your attention.

      • She can TRY to pull whatever she wants, but the truth is that there’s nothing she can do to me. There’s no crime she can hit me with. That ridiculous restraining order is the only tie she has to me. She keeps saying that she’s dropping it, but I haven’t heard anything from the court yet, so it remains to be seen if she’s as good as her word.

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