Love and light

For a long time now, I’ve spent a lot of time and effort pointing out the negative aspects of a few toxic narcissists as they pull their various and assorted antics, wreaking havoc while the universe revolved around them. I thought that by shining a light on their shady shenanigans, I might somehow get them to stop.

That was stupid of me.

The longer I’ve dealt with toxic narcissists, I should have learned. A toxic narcissist will. Not. Stop. Ever. They feel perfectly entitled to do the hurtful, selfish things they do. Nothing I say here is ever going to stop that.

So I’m no longer going to try.

From now on, I’m going to follow the example of a dear friend of mine, who inspires me to live life with love and light rather than darkness and negativity. And I have to tell you, it lifts a weight off me just to say that. To let it all go. I look forward to feeing even better about how I’m looking at life as I move forward in this world. All positive things to come.

As for me, I’m busy working on my next book, about an old Gypsy woman in a German labor camp. I figure I’ve got less than two weeks until I finish this draft and I can query the agent I’ve chosen to approach. Wish me luck.

I’ll keep you updated about how it goes.

Peace, Love, and Fluffy kittens, y’all!

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